
Learn about how your donations and support help the library

Donations to the Library

The Waynesboro-Wayne County library is a major part of the community, and a large reason for this is the support it has received from patrons over the years. Your donations play a key role in keeping our library running smoothly. We welcome donations of all types. You can donate in person by visiting the Waynesboro-Wayne County Library, or you can make a monetary donation online by clicking the button. Our PayPal account provides a secure connection for your transaction, and it accepts all major credit cards.

Donations We Accept


We will be happy to accept your book donations granted that the books are in good condition, comparable to the condition of books already in our library. Due to space limitations, every book will not be placed immediately on our shelves, but rest assured your book donation will be a valuable contribution to our library. If you are planning to donate a large number of books, please call in advance to schedule a time to drop the books off. We do not accept any questionable, lewd, or pornographic materials, and reserve the right to reject any book offered for donation as unsuitable for the library.

Heirlooms for the Genealogy Room

Do you have an old antique that tells a story about the past of Wayne County? We may accept it for others to view in our genealogy room. If you have an item that you feel qualifies, please contact Patsy Brewer to discuss if your item can be donated to our library’s collection of great artifacts.

DVD’s and Videos

We will be happy to accept some of your videos and DVDs as donations, given that they have the original packaging and are in good playing condition. If you have a large collection, please call before bringing the items to the library. We reserve the right to determining which videos and DVDs we will accept to add to our collection. The library offers a media collection that consists of family-friendly items, so we reserve the right to reject any items that we feel do not fit this criterion.

Equipment and Furniture

If you have a piece of equipment or furniture that you would like to donate to the library, please call Patsy Brewer first to discuss the item.


The Friends of the Library are volunteers that do a great deal in support of the Waynesboro-Wayne County library. If you would like to donate your time or energy, please consider joining the Friends of the library by clicking here.

For more information, stop by the library any time Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM or contact the library at 601-735-2268.

Contact Patsy Brewer with questions about ways to donate to the library

Phone: 601-735-2268
The Waynesboro Wayne County Library offers a variety of children services

Supporting the Library